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July 26, 2008

sequel to




pretty fun. the flag rasing ceremony was strange. we had to welcome the guest of honour twice. 0.o

but the guest of honour's speech at the next (award? celebration?)ceremony was kind of interesting. and natalie and i were stepping on each other's feet the whole time during the ceremony. i think we irritated the person sitting in front of natalie. XD

natalie kept on winning the fight. gahhh. but it was fun. =D

uhh...the ceremony was boring okay lurhs. we weren't sitting in the audi. this year. we had to sit in the sec hall. where the ceremony is held. bleh.

but the dinner was really fun. =DD

Miss Tan was wearing a dress! and high heels! and this little flower thing in her hair that does not suit her at all! she looked so different! =o

everyone looked different. so many people wore dresses+shawls. they looked so ladylike. especially li wen. =DD

i guess it WAS a dinner after all...

the sec. people were pretty crazy and everything. its like their prom without the dancing...

um...can you send me the fdd pics berenice? and tanya? thank you. =))


"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

2:19 PM

July 24, 2008

click it. its so funny. =DD kind of lame, but definitely funny.

did you know my previous mortals were all found in my blog links? (of course you didn't right?) =)) its so cool.

anyways, today when i was coming home from learning lab and i had this lame conversation with berenice:

me: what are you gonna wear to fdd?
berenice: i'm gonna wear a vest.
me: i want the vest. =(( anyways, THAT'S ALL? just a vest to fdd and NOTHING ELSE? =o
berenice: no. =.=

i was kind of lame...but i wanted to say that for years. =DD

sigh. talking about learning lab, today, anmol came to my class. =D miss chan couldn't pronounce her name.

erm...i guess that's all.

vicky. =DDDDD

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

7:10 PM

July 18, 2008

yup, our class is playing that game. =)) but i think its not exactly much fun since so many people know who their angels are.

but i guess its still fun cos my mortal dosen't exactly know who i am. yahboo.=D
though there is a 1 in ?? chance she'll know...

anyways, we went to see the science center. after we did our assignment, we went to explore. haha. the fibre tree part was nice. =D
we ran on the lights. =))

[i deleted this image since SOME PEOPLE thought it was vulgur]
that, by the way, is a picture of edward (supposedly handsome) and bella.

this person is the 'normal looking' james. (a vampire)

gahh. they seriously should reconsider their roles.

i bet edward won't even have smouldering butterscotch eyes!

oh wells...i guess there are nicer pics of edward though.

i feel so scared. in less than a month, it will be prelims oral!!

and my abrsm 7 falls on the same day as psle oral! DD=

everything is so squashed together and i'm still slacking. i think there is something wrong with me....

TO TANYA/DELIA: i seriously do not digress or whatever we said in our conversation today (what were we talking about again?) as you can see in this post.

lols. the topics in this post are as jumbled up as sushi.

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

5:11 PM

July 13, 2008
yesterday's JOC was kind of amusing...=)) anyways, i guess i'll be dedicating the majority of this post to it.

and sorry for my lousy camera skills (i didn't dare use flash) =DDD

1. the front of the booklet thingy...recongnise anyone? =))

2. me and fang ning, before the concert started.
she was sitting in front of me but after the interval, the people sitting beside me left (i wonder why) and she sat with me. =))

3. miss liang. hehe.

and i deleted a blurry pic of a guy (matthew ooi) in my church, who was a co-performer...

...after the interval...

4. jessica =))

5. melissa and violette. =))

6. chu ren. =))

- motif improvisation-

7. all of them discussing.

8. chu ren playing the improvisation. it was nice. <3

9. before the discussion for the 2nd motif. =DD it was quite amusing.

10. another motif improvisation. the interview was very interesting. XD

- continue -

11. muriel and andry. =))

12. joshua looking 'flustered' (quote: fang ning) at the interview.

13. joshua and his orchestra. =))

14. all the group photos. =D

15. chu ren, melissa, muriel, jessica. =))

16. andry and muriel. =))

17. everyone + mr tan

i guess that's all...

this year's SJOC is nice. =DDDD

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

1:13 PM

July 11, 2008
nobody tags me. ><
i don't even think anyone reads my blog lorhs.

so...if you read this and say 'i'm reading your blog! what am i, a ghost?'
prove me wrong and tag me. =DD

if not i'll be ever so heartbroken...

haha. kidding. =))

maybe its because my blogging style is so damn different from berenice's style, that's why she has more tags than me...


right, anyways, i'm slacking again by blogging instead of doing something like watching tv homework. its kind of unfair...this is the year where there are so many nice shows (like...a lot) and movies (like harry potter and twilight<3) AND its the PSLE year...
i actually wonder how i manage to pass last year's exams...

ohwells...tomorrow i'm going to SJOC! =)) i can't wait.
maybe i'll give a motif and melissa (ng) will do it yet again... =DD
or maybe i'll just watch.
equally fun. =))

if i give a motif, it might be a shortened version of SHE's wu yue tien's intro. hehe. -hinthint-

you know....i don't think many people would understand that. 0.o sighs.
moving on.

yesterday, when i was coming home from LL by bus, and after many stops, this old man went quite slowly to the back of the bus to get down. after a while, the bus driver thought everyone was down (i think)...and he shut the doors, clamping the foot of that old man's foot (or maybe just the middle of his foot)...

he was grabbing hold of two people as the bus was moving off, and one of them was shouting (actually more of screaming) to the bus driver to open the door.
i think that old man was kind of pissed off. =DD he was pointing and cursing(most likely) at the bus when he finally got off...

right, that's all for today, maybe i'll post about tomorrow's concert (that not many people will understand)...

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

4:04 PM

July 7, 2008
Youth Day!

haha. i'm such a slacker. i only did one english paper for 2 whole days and i just can't seem to do my homework today. dieee. D=

anyways, yeaterday, after tuition we went to the gramaphone sale. its held at the place where tanya brought us for bowling i think. =))

the CDs there were priced from $1. =D
in the end, the total amount of money ruth and i spent was 60 bucks. wheee. XD
but i only spent $14. haha.

but ruth bargained and the end i'm going to have to pay $25. heh.
since i'm going to 'listen to all the songs anyways'.


they also sell the CD 50% off but i'm supposedly not allowed to watch anything until PSLE is over so i didn't buy it.
i'm trying not to regret it. =))

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

1:15 PM

July 6, 2008
heeey. =)) that post was supposed to be continued...but oh wells. =))

on thursday, in learning lab, shakeera said that during chapel, she heard two ppl poking each other and generally making a lot of noise like p4s. but when she turned around, she saw berenice and melissa poking each other. T.T

right anyways, i have to go for tuition soon. hehe. music is becoming so fun...=))


"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

1:17 PM

July 2, 2008
hi i am victoria~~~ i am a great great fan of calvin=.=


calvin is so...that no one wants to pick him to act in shows. hahaa.

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

1:46 PM

July 1, 2008
today, berenice and i actually counted the number of fire extinguishers correctly. which i think isn't the correct number, cos we saw more of them after we submited.

anyways, the announcer called berenice 'beatrice'. XD it must be because of her microscopic handwriting, which is smaller than mine. which is unfair since some people complain that my handwriting is so small, when i made it quite big already.

haha. anyways, the prize is a bouquet of lollipops. we had to sharre since they ran out of bouquets. oh well. berenice got the strawberry lollipop and i got the bouquet. fair exchange. =))

natalie had to go for her gr.7 ABRSM exam today. she just left halfway during maths with all her stuff still in school and conveniently came back exactly the moment ss ended.


but too bad she missed PE. mrs lee wasn't teaching us=))but this group of people were. hehe. so fun. =)) hockey was nice, and captain's ball (if its captain's ball) was kind of loopholey and 'volleyball' was quite nice too.

i guess that's all. =D

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

2:57 PM



vampire in training. =K
she can't wait for christmas. xD
she is born on 3/5/96, and she thinks remembering that important day will do you good.
1.1 2.1 3.3 4.6 5.6 6.6


ipod classic
new moon
breaking dawn
the host!!!
my own phone, for oncee.
ripples slippers!
shoes. =D
brown sugar macciato
dan chao fan (rolling love)
lan qiu huo
pi li MIT


chu ren
Claire Tay
Li Wen
Melissa Ng
Melissa Soh
Rachel Loy
write backwards
Class Blog'07
Class Blog'08


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