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September 29, 2008
this is probably my last post. i can't use my home computer because there isn't any virus protection...

anyways, i didn't know ern tian has a blog!! =DD i'll link you and sheryll later okies?

sigh. i'm feeling stressed. and really sad most of the time now. and left out.

like church. everyone is so spastic. even more spastic/enthu than the most spastic/enthu people i know. which is so akward. because i don't exactly like my church and stuff.

there's also school. i think someone is kind of ignoring me...


v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

8:34 AM

September 19, 2008
just can't seem to live without the computer these days. sigh.

anyways, going to do a quiz now.

1. The person who tagged me
melissa ng. <3

2. Your relationship with him/her
music tuition classmate. =D

3. Your five impressions of him/her
- really smart (rgs!!!!)
- really good in impros
- really good in compo writing(apjoc-er!)
- really, really nice. =))
- really...uh...twilight lover! =D

4. The most memorable thing he/she has done for you
5. The most memorable thing he/she has said to you
my mind went blank...will have to come back to these questions soon (sorry melissa).

6. If he/she becomes your lover, you will
raise an eyebrow...

7. If he/she becomes your lover, one thing he/she will have to improve on will be
ermhs...grow or something? haha.

8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will
hurt so much that my heart will bleed for her...
well, maybe not, but it WOULD be pretty sad...

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be
I dunno. maybe offending her or smth?

10. You want to tell for he/she now is
like melissa, i totally do not understand this question...

11. Your overall impression of him/her is
very nice (short-ish) person who is really (wonder how many times i said that) good in music.
not to mention smartsmartsmart.

12. How do you think people around you feel about you?
thats for me know and for others to find out. =)) or is it for others to know and for me to find out? hmmm....

13. The character about yourself you love
my absolutely wonderful ability to be really excited and them suddehly become real emo?

14. On the contrary, what you hate about yourself is
quite a lot of things really. like the pushover issue or the guilt trip issue.

15. The most ideal person you want to be
mmm. let's just say the person i wanna be is kinda a bit of everyone.

16. For people who care and like you, say something to them.
i <3 u. =DD

17. Pass this quiz on to 10 people to see how they feel about you.

[warning: completely random list of people. to these ten people: if any of you have done this quiz before, just ignore this. :)]
1) ruth
2) charis
3) berenice
4) tanya (who dosen't have a blog but ohwells.)
5) delia (also no blog tho. =(( )
6) melissa soh
7) natalie
8) muriel
9) annabelle
10) joshua

18. Who is no. 6 having a relationship with right now?
(melissa) erhms. go ask berenice. or natalie.

19. If no. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
(natalie and joshua) they don't know each other, and natalie crushes on so much other guys, (coughzexelcough) but if they ARE together...joshua's heart would probably be broken after one day or smth. (natalie will probably go back to crushing on guys)

20. What is no. 2 studying about?
(charis) for psle. so studious. =DD

21. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
(berenice) a few hours ago. playing during science supp (which wasn't even supp since mrs ng didn't do anything).

22. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
(muriel) donno. a lot i guess.

23. Does no. 1 have any siblings?
(ruth) 2. lets see...there's eugene, her irritating brother, and...oh look, there's me. =o

24. Will you woo no. 3?
(berenice) COUGH. tho she's the man/prince david ii and all.

25. How about no.7?
(natalie) neverr. anyways, she/he is gay (as in, prefers guys).

26. Is no. 4 single?
(tanya) i guess so, but others (berenice/natalie/etc) claims that she's engaged to some fellow called king author.

27. Surname of no. 5?
(delia) ong. =DD

28. Hobby of no. 10?
(joshua) um. shall assume like melissa.

29. Do 5 and 9 get along well?
(delia and annabelle) okay i guess...

30. Where is no.2 studying?
(charis) erm...at home?

31. Talk about no. 1
(ruth) sister that seems to...nevermind.

32. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8?
(muriel) 0.o absolutely not.

33. Where does no. 9 live?
(annabelle) where on earth does she live...

34. What colour does no. 4 like?
(tanya) donno. since she is so uber happy all the time, i guess...all colours of the rainbow?

35. Are 5 and 1 best friends?
(ruth and delia) same cca...even same squad...but no. maybe its the wonderfully large age gap of something.

36. Does no.1 have any pets?
(ruth) dead fish. i should know.

37. Is no 7 the sexiest person in the world?
(natalie) wow. so qiao. it HAD to be natalie. =DD
anyways, that's for me to know and for her to find out. or she could simply assume...

38. What is no 10 doing right now?
(joshua) tuition? or something what guys always do...


great. i'm done. i don't feel like tagging anyone to do it yet.

so, anyways, today before assembly, berenice wished that it would rain.
then, maybe about 1 hour later, after assembly, natalie persuaded me to tell her about eclipse.
so we were just stepping out of the linkway (a sheltered area in the quadrangle) when...

(or some other noise word)

and rain came upon us.

i love rain (as long as there is no thunder or lightning). =DD
so nice and cold and wet and stuff.

but of course it's not berenice's magic prowess that did it.
obviously it was meeeee. =DD

anyways, yesterday, we had a talk by glenn lim.
he said that last time he was talking to a school, and there were lower primary kids there. and then he got to the part where he had to recieve a life sentence, which caused all the cute naive little p1 pupils stare at him and wonder why he was standing there talking to them.
then, one p1 boy raised his hand and said: teacher! he escaped! =o

lols. his talk was really nice. his life was so dramatic, but pretty touching. =D

so that's all. byee. =D

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

5:52 PM

September 17, 2008
heloo. =D
so much things to say. hehehe.

right now my brother is pissing me off. berenice came to my house and heard him, so she probably knows why...

anyways, today was prefects installation for the second time this year. for next year's prefects. which is pretty strange and i think they should stick to march.
so anyways, handbells were part of the program. and during the rehersal (and many other practices before that), we didn't play amazing grace so well...so our handbells instructor cut off a lot of parts out of the song...

wells, after that, we went for the after school practice, and out instructor couldn't make it because she had to take an exam or something. so a guy, called mr lim, took over. we actually improved. =D
and erhm wells...i'm glad i'm not in the primary handbells choir next year.

so, back to today, we played pretty well...compared to the rehersal. whee.

and another thing...

i got distinction! by one mark! i can't believe it...
so now i've got to learn grade 8. ahhh.
they changed the whole syllabus. ms liang thinks they should.

so anyways, ruth is taking her gr.8 exam. so good luck. =DD

oh, she told me that ryan higa and the sean guy that made the how to be ninja and stuff, they are really going to star in the movie!
i want to watch...

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

7:33 PM

September 10, 2008
i'm going on a haitus. yet again. sighs.
i mean, DUH(!) i have to go on haitus. psle is coming so sooooon!!!
so i guess this is goodbye. =((
hahaha. i'll just post when i have the time. =D

listening compre. is in two more days. 20 marks is quite a lot...but i guess its ok luhs.
sighs. feeling pretty emo these days. tanya said i was pretty emo today morning. heh. ruth thinks its due to...something. which i probably agree with her, but she gets reeeally emo sometimes toooo. and its not because of...it. its just her emo-ness i guess.

sighs (again). you know, i hardly ever do emo posts, cos i don't even KNOW who reads my blog. i might not even trust them. sigh. trust.

i have so many issues inside of me. like trust. trying not to be a pushover. trying not to feel guilty when i try not to be a pushover. and lots of other issues of course. ermh. like i would mention them here.
but comparing my issues to some other people, mine seems like really insignificant. makes me feel WRONG.

sigh. (yet again)


okays...continue with today.

let's see...today.

once upon a time, me natalie and delia played a game which delia calls chinese dragon. its where a person in the front leads other people (whose eyes are closed).

so delia was leading me and natalie. through the quadrangle and up the stairs (my eyes were half opened. the stairs were...scary. =D) so, we were at the edge of bamboo courtyard when...

BANG! (and the dirt is gone!)
(sorry, couldn't resist.=DD)

[or whatever noise word you want]

can't really remember what had happened, but i saw natalie fall, before delia knocked my head (it hurt for a long time...). no thanks to berenicemelissatanyacharis. =D

then we sat down (cos natalie was on the ground) and played heart attack.

wasn't that a grreat ending to the story? lols.

ermhs, nothing else to say, except that everyone that reads this post should tag (though i bet no one will).

mhmmm. bye people.

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

10:04 PM

September 5, 2008
hey! =))

a lot of things to post about today... lots of pics too. =DD but i'm too lazy to put them here...maybe one or two.

anyways, yesterday, after tuition, my family when on a yacht, cos my father was invited by his client. and it was GIGANTIC. i was pretty dizzy in the beginning...

you know, you have to press on this flat green button to enter some of the rooms, like the karoke room. and stuff.
i sang karaoke. =D one song only though, cos there was this other woman who i don't know that wanted to sing too.

eugene made friends with her son. =))

oh well. i <3 truffles! =D i want to live in that ship forever...<3<3 some people are just so rich.

today, i went for an ensemble concert.

it was pretty informal. =)) the group playing the entertainer was cool. (not to mention shiiiiny) =DD

erms, after the rehersal, we played whacko. =DD

from left: a boy called issac, muriel's legs, melissa behind muriel, churen. =))

and ate in a food center, though technically my food wasn't from there...
and we played in the playground! =D

from left: muriel (behind fang ning), fang ning, joan (somewhereee...) jessica, victoria tan, churen =))

it was until backstage when i kinda nervous.

the stage, btw.

the mc's voice was quite monotonous, by the way.
and they advertised the apjoc too. hehe.
did i mention that ms liang taught many classes that were performing? =DD more than half i think.

everyone =DD, except for melissa. =((

cheeeeeeese. <3

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

9:24 PM

September 4, 2008
last night i had a really really weird dream...it was really long too, and i woke up at like, 9 am? (wake up as in, wake up from deeeeeeeeep sleep. not the rolling around on the bed, not wanting to get up thing.)
i got up finally when my aunt came. hehe.


the first part of my dream was about me and natalie sneaking somewhere during recess in school. o.0
we were outside the school bookshop when this boy came up and said he knew what we were going to do (i didn't even know what WE were going to do).
in an effort to bribe him (i feel so ashamed now. =o), i bought him this file that cost $3.?0 and i was at the counter when the shopkeeper said that i should go to the counter outside and pay there because that counter (outside) was for inexpensive stuff.

so, then i was outside, and then the queue was so long it went all the way to outside the science lab, then to the quadrangle, then to the linkway. then i finally bought the file. but somehow, laoshi became the cashier and i bought it from her.
0.o not sure if i gave the boy the file tho.

then, mrs (jean) lee came riding on a bicycle doing stunts. hehe. i remember i was so tired that i didn't actually see her do the stunts, which was weird cos i WAS sleeping...
anyways, somehow, i was awake again (in my sleep obviously) and i was riding the bicycle through this narrow tunnel (half made of something flat, half made of red string, and yes i know the tunnel is weird but that's the way the cookie crumbles) doing stunts or something. while i was doing the stunts and stuff, i somehow heared that i was starring in a basketball cartoon. =))

so, the tunnel ended near the entrance of plaza singapura (it looked like the exit of the underpass anyways.) and i think i was walking in to...somewhere...and started watching the cartoon. but it wasn't about basketball. it was about a town being flooded.
and i saw among the character's names were victoria, berenice and tanya. lols.
my character owned a dog. =DD

i think there was something about an evil robot and a professor in the show, but then i woke up. D=

that was the longest and weirdest dream in my whole entire life (that i can remember anyways). i don't know who that boy i bribed is, or why lao shi/mrs lee (especially mrs lee) was in my dream at all.
or why i was starring in a cartoon.
or why the dream was so vivid especially the part when i became tired in my dream. or the evil robot and professor.

dreams are kinda another reality, right? your place where you can express yourself and your true feelings or wtv. but still. 0.o

weird dream.

lols. did you know the scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology?

it's cool. like, must you have a degree for studying dreams? =DD

hehe. looking at what i have written, my dream really is long. =))

still, i like my dream. i mean, it IS mine.

v i c k y. <3

afterthought: i think the evil robot was my interpretation of the evil robot in wall.e (though THAT robot wasn't that evil, it was just following orders)

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

11:51 AM

September 3, 2008
my mouse is dying...D=

well, technically, it can't die cos it's made out of non-living stuff...
but still...it's falling apart. =(
the tiny white thing in the middle of the pupil fell out a few times, and the whole mouse fell out of its cheese.


anyways, nothing much happened today. i had to print out my own testpapers because my tuition teacher's printer ran out of ink. hehe.
berenice is so lucky. she missed tuition yet again. sighs.
note to berenice: but you have to print out the testpapers too. 4 in all. and i have to send them to you. ain't that sweet. =)) so...which email do you use again?

oh wells. i'm thinking about changing the blogskin.

#25 - Rainbow Rain
#26 - All You Wanted
by joy.deprived
Speechless {Fish_fries}
by fish_fries

all of them are really pretty, so which should i choose? =DD

sighs. i feel so enclosed in my house. at least i'm going out tomorrow. for tuition though (that's not the point anyways).
maybe i should buy something for my mortal. or even my angel. hehe.


v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

7:36 PM

September 1, 2008
Whee! today i had a really fun day. =))

made this cute clay mouse and saw cel. =))

anyways, today, charis fetched me there. we were wondering where on earth the party was when tanya came with her brother and maid. so when we finally found the place, someone was like, how come so many come at the same time arhs?

well, after i ate lunch and stuff, we went for bowling. i was always the lousiest in my lane. sighs...

then cel came amidst all the giggling/laughing/smirking (maybe wondering what we were all laughing about) and during the second game, everyone was erm, shouting stuff to erm, cause distress to some particular people.

after that, we went back up again and threw balloons at each other and made our family relationships known. =DD declan is my/berenice's/natalie's/charis's uncle!
and just thinking about who my other uncle is makes me smile. a lot.


anyways, after that, we made the mouse paperwieght thingamoochy out of jump clay. its really bouncy. =))
tanya was bouning the model mouse.
bouncebouncebouncebouncebounce. <3
my mouse looks kinda lopsided. =3

i think cel burst a balloon right in front of natalie or something, cause when we went to the karaoke room later, natalie was pretty desperate to escape from him. =D she said that he stares at her pretty well (evil eye?).

lols. =D

then, before the karaoke stuff started, natalie had to go home. which means i had to go home as well. ahwell. sighs.

happy day. =)

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

6:29 PM



vampire in training. =K
she can't wait for christmas. xD
she is born on 3/5/96, and she thinks remembering that important day will do you good.
1.1 2.1 3.3 4.6 5.6 6.6


ipod classic
new moon
breaking dawn
the host!!!
my own phone, for oncee.
ripples slippers!
shoes. =D
brown sugar macciato
dan chao fan (rolling love)
lan qiu huo
pi li MIT


chu ren
Claire Tay
Li Wen
Melissa Ng
Melissa Soh
Rachel Loy
write backwards
Class Blog'07
Class Blog'08


Designer: Fish_fries
Photo: Flogao/Byluluka
Font: 1
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