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October 31, 2008
one year ago, i was looking up at the night sky, looking at the stars (and jupiter!!!). in perth.

the best night of my existence. definitely a night to remember...

i miss perth. D=
the first school trip without any family members and stuff. just me, my friends and perth.

all one year ago.

i wish we could go again. to see bolshack. or the farm that we stayed in, or the ppl in mlc, or the stars.
or maybe we could go some other country or something.

but p6ers are not brought on school trips overseas. and we are not going to be p6ers in like 2 months' time.
and even so, it wont be the same again.

Anyways, watched get smart just now. really funny. especially after they found where the bomb was. =DD

hmm...oh, i think twilight might be pg-13. since the trailers for the us screening shows that it is pg-13 for them. blehh.

i guess that's all now. going to blog surf. =))

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

2:43 PM

October 28, 2008
yesterday, i went with berenice, tanya, natalie, delia and melissa to cineleisure to watch hsm3.
i got lost going there. heh.

anyways, the movie was nice. =)) the best of all three.
there are more songs than usual... and the song by sharpay and ryan is really nice. =))

oh, and diagonally in front of me, there were a group of VERY ego people. they were...ego.

for example.
them: (something happened in the movie) WHOOOOOOOOOO! =clap=
people around them: =not doing anything=
them: 0.o
people around them: 0.o
=akward silence=

after that, took neos. and gained a lot of loose change. and lost a lot of $$. what fun. =DD

does berenice owe me 20 cents? donno.

it was a very fun day and everything. =DD

on sat, it'll be apjoc! can't wait. =))

v i c k y/-

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

3:13 PM

October 25, 2008
my handwriting isnt small anymore. D= its really ugly because its MAGNIFIED.
thanks to miss menon and all the other teachers that assumes i have titchy(sp?) handwriting. bleh.

thanks for the tribute though, bernadette (if you are read this blog). i'll never forget you. even if i tried to. heheh. =DD

anyways, today, i went to watch ruth in her drill com thing. saw delia and melissa! =)) really fun.
music drill was interesting...

i miss skylarks<3<3...still hate gb tho.

after that, rushed back home to get ready to go to eugene's eoy concert.
his last concert. sigh.
everything seems to be the last these days.
i'm going to miss gracefields...

the concert was...ok.
very little audience, as usual.
overexcited parents, as usual.
guys with too much makeup, as usual.
fathers popping the thingy at the finale, as usual.
though it seems to be lesser people in a class, compared to long ago...

and the first item was so cute!
there was this boy that was crying when he entered the stage, he kept on shouting for his mom and everything, but when the music started, he started dancing and kinda stopped crying immediately. but his expression was amusing. =))
and when his friends sawyed from side to side, he moved up and down. =D
and when they ended, he was still dancing. heh. =DD
then he started crying again.

it was nice. =DD

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

8:29 PM

October 23, 2008
haha. i just realised that yesterday's post was the 50thest.

today is the end of school. a milestone in my life.
i don't feel like writing much...

today, we broke a few rules, i think. =))

oh, and i won a stuff toy pig from some lucky dip thing. pixie is absolutely adorable. =DD
then i met ruth at the alumni room.
she looked at the pig and was like: o.0
then she said to her friend: my sister bought a pig =COUGH=

whatever. erm. today was interesting. especially when i found out that tanya was going to go to the same day and time for tll as me. =))
only thing was, it was in a different class. sigh.

i'm going to miss everyone in class. The next time i'll see everyone is when we collect our psle results (right?). which is far, far away. and i'm not even sure whether i want that day to come.

but today was fun. and i brought a camera! =))
will apload pics...soon.


v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

9:03 PM

October 22, 2008
another post! haha. this is my 49th post for this blog.

i realised i didn't link a lot of ppl in class. bleh.
better late than never, even school is going to end in, like, 1 day?

CAROLYN is MY mortal,
I am ADELINE KONG'S mortal.

its like:

a really cool circle. =DD

and there was this time where i was in another circle:


sorry for the randomness.

but embracing my computer moments is fun! =DD

tomorrow is going to be fun...and sad.
i HAVE to bring a camera tomorrow.
the funfair of the year.
my last primary school day. for my whole entire existence.


i wonder if i actually put the word 'sigh' in every single post i have ever written.

er. yeah. that's all. going for a bloghunt now.

v i c k y.

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

9:18 PM

As we go on
we remember,
All the times we
had together;

And as our lives change,
come whatever,
we will still be

graduation (friends forever) by vitamin c

one of the most beautiful songs i have ever heard. =))
we sang it today. some unknown person was even moved to tears.


today was great. =)

most of the school hours was spent with the cca showcases.
the chinese speech and drama one was...interesting. =DD
not sure whether we played well, but it was our last practice. =((
i actually am going to miss handbells. sigh.

after that, i hurried home to change and pack and all that (couldn't find the camera though), and then i went back to school again. for public transport.
only 4 ppl of all the p6ers were from 6.6. haha.

oh and before that, we finally collected our class tee! =))

anywyas, we had a pretty goodiebag. i love my teddybear. =3
oh, and there were many balloons floating(?) on the celing. after jumping around and um, scratching myself with my own hand, finally caught(?) one.
some people were obsessed with the balloons. 0.o

we had the skit! =DD
i liked 6.2 and 6.4's performance the best.
but the others were nice too. =))

the crazy audience in our skit is kinda useless...cos the other classes are actually cheering for the performers and everything. but still.
funny fun. =DD

oh...the luckydraw!!! prizes include ipods and beloved crumplers (sigh). <3
i won 2 movie vouchers. whoots.
natalie was hyperventilating during the grand prize giveaways.
and was...basically emotional after that.

sang the graduation song at the end. and the school song.
singing like blissful drunkards. =DD
i think everyone was emotional after that.
beautiful song. =))

sigh... still not exactly sure which school to go to. most likely it will be mg.
but it all depends on results. (sigh)
but whatever school i go to, i will always remember this year. and mgs. and p6.6. and hersheys. <3
friends forever. =))

this post is mushy...

...i wonder how many times i have written 'sigh' in this post.

anyways, last day of school is tommorow. will miss everyone.


v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

6:21 PM

October 17, 2008
heeey. =DD

its so cool that there are no more major exams to look forward to, not like when we were p5...
its a nice feeling. =))

today i watched hairspray.
its nice, though some people think its boring.
but watching john travolta is...a little sick. not to mention disgusting.

oh, and i saw a newspaper ad for apjoc! =D
i can't believe they would actually advertise it. hehe.
its cool.

yesterday, went to tll. my new teacher is nice. =)) she let us watch spoofs of sarah palin when we were done and had some time left.
omg. tina fey is really good.

youtubing now...ryan higa is darn funny. =DD

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

4:29 PM

October 15, 2008
i can't believe i didn't touch the computer for two whole days! heh.

well anyways, i had handbell practice. but since the p6ers had psle and only played 1 song, so while the others were playing the other pieces, we played speed. and uno.
i suck at speed. =DD

then the next day, yesterday, it was rehersal for the cca showcase.
acctually, the p6ers couldn't come for the cca showcase for parents cos of the graduation party, so they pushed it (i mean the parents' cca showcase, not the party) forward.
beacuse mrs gosian said everyone was important and blah.

anyways, because of the rehersal, missed the hip hop lesson. =D
but we didn't miss social ettiquite. =(

the teacher absolutely ADORES<3 the school. or so he said. something like that.
do you know his standing/relaxed positiong invloves putting both hands together in front of him in a gay-ish manner?

coming back home, i realised i left my cluedo set at school. haha.
that was pretty random.=))

anyways, hours later, i was going home from music tuition, when two women/girls/teenagers
came up to me and ask me to listen to a story.
me: um.
one of them: don't worry, we won't sell you anything.
me: ok...

so they introduce themselves and everything...

her: do you want to go somewhere else, cos this place is a bit noisy...
me: erhs...
her: ok, nvm.

so then, she told the story.
its about God creating heaven and earth, and God and man were very close, but as adam and eve sined, God and man are seperated. And though some people think that charity and all that stuff would bring them closer to God, only Jesus is the link.

well, she said something like that.
and she drew it out on a notebook too. =D

but the story seemed to be like for non-christians, and i AM a christian, but i don't know how i was going to tell her that.

so, um, i just kept quiet while she talked. trying not to smirk. or suddenly burst out laughing. =D

then she asked me which describes me the best: at the part where God is, at the bridge/cross, afraid/not allowed to cross to God's side, or reject God.

me: at the part where God is, because...i'm a christian?
her: ohh. haha. lols! why didn't you tell me earlier? =laugh=

sooo...not sure whether she's embarrassed or pissed off, but i was smirking when i left.
heh. i think its pretty cool that they go up to random people to do that. =DD

so yeah.

today. quite a lot of things happened.

after assembly, it was christmas service. we sang we wish u a merry christmas...
oh, there was a mike that made mrs chua's voice sound funny...

after that, we had to carry up the information booklets for a briefing.
you should never try resting a pile of those books on your finger (accidentally)...

later, we had the hip hop dance lesson. since i didn't go, i couldn't get the first part right. i think i have forgotten most of the things already.

so finally, we went back to class to play cluedo.
i sat near that barber's shop. =))

then, we played uno.
we went home.

is this post long? yeah, guess it is.
i guess i have to link people now.

v i c k y.

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

2:29 PM

October 12, 2008
hey. =D

i'm feeling really weird. like i have so many things that i want to do but just seem too bored to do it.
sigh. my life is really great.

today i went to natalie's church. erms, it was pretty fun. =D
saw carolyn, yi shuen and a lot of other people including someone from my p1 class. cool. =)

and anyways, her class was playing a game with gigantic pick up sticks. at first, the forfeit was for the winning team to draw on the faces of the losing team. then it became the winning team make up a forfeit for the losing team. heh.
natalie seemed really diappointed when shawn didn't turn up. haha. =D

and then, all of the sudden, she saw him. =o

the rest is pretty funny.
i think he probably knows natalie's infatuation for him.
and maybe wondering why she and her weird friend was looking/glancing/staring at him.
especially when natalie pulled me to (supposedly) say goodbye to mrs betty lee, and he was really close.
thinking about what happened makes me feel T.T

i don't mind going there again.

hmm...i watched horton and happily never after today.
horton is so cute. =3

sigh. i owe my mortal a letter. i'd better go now. =D

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

8:13 PM

October 9, 2008

i can't believe its all over. it was like a whirlwind of stress,
and then it was gone.

whooot. =DD

sighs. took pretty long to post cos i was reading midnight sun.
i <3 midnight sun!

its really nice. though its only a draft thing. and the conversations between edward and bella are still the same. like duh.

i think no matter what, the books will always be better than the movie(s). But i still want to watch the movie. =))


anyways, moving on to the exams. english was pretty okaish,
math was...puzzling, and it was the only paper where i panicked/rushed through frantically/didn't check.
chinese was...mcq was difficult, and my crappy answer for one of the questions in section b was (obviously) wrong,
science section b was hard, and i have never seen some questions in my whole life,
and hmt...was actually much easier than prelims. whee. =D

did i mention staying back after the hmt paper was a stupid and pointless thing to do?
it was pretty amusing though.=))

after that, we went mcdonalds. it was pretty fun...
oh, then after that, some won't-jaywalk person dragged me across the road while we were going home. and forced me into her lobby. as usual.

ended up playing in the playground. and sitting near the swimming pool, taking ugly and really unphotogenic pics of ourselves. what fun.

i learnt 4 things there.
1. natalie's playground has a seesaw. =D no swings though.
2. NEVER, EVER sit in the whale-dolphin thingy.
3. don't smile until natalie finish adjusting her camera. or your smile will look damn fake when the picture is taken.
4. don't laugh while natalie is...adjusting herself.

i have to go now. =D

v i c k y;

"You leave me SPEECHLESS, when you talk to me."

8:07 PM



vampire in training. =K
she can't wait for christmas. xD
she is born on 3/5/96, and she thinks remembering that important day will do you good.
1.1 2.1 3.3 4.6 5.6 6.6


ipod classic
new moon
breaking dawn
the host!!!
my own phone, for oncee.
ripples slippers!
shoes. =D
brown sugar macciato
dan chao fan (rolling love)
lan qiu huo
pi li MIT


chu ren
Claire Tay
Li Wen
Melissa Ng
Melissa Soh
Rachel Loy
write backwards
Class Blog'07
Class Blog'08


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